November 26, 2009

It's All Over but the Crying

Still on mainland time, Dean and Peter were up early again this morning. While Peter was out for an easy morning run - four miles at 6:30 minutes per miles, you know, a casual jog – Dean was swapping out our little red Dodge for a big white Chevy Tahoe, giving us more room to stage our mobile race HQ.
After waiting diligently and unconsciously from the comfort of my bed for Peter and Dean to return, we all headed out to the prerace breakfast, which was our only official function for the day. We put in our time appeasing the officials with our presence. Peter made the best of the time, taking glamour shots and interviewing with Tim Carlson from Once introductions had been made, the law of the land was laid down and 200+ miles of bike course was reviewed in a powerpoint presentation we set out to make the final race preparations.
First we stopped at our go to place for all of our Ultraman supplies and nutrition, Wal-Mart. We paced down every aisle taking our best guesses at what we might need. Operating on a whim we would buy some things because we could get 100 of them for $2.54 but would nix others because, as Peter put it, “they give me gag.”
Returning back to our condo we added our haul to our growing collection of Wal-Mart crap that has been slowly accumulating each day and is now beginning to take over the place. Since we have been back the day has been non-stop vehicle and nutrition prep. After hours of deliberation Dean and I have settled on Reese’s, M&M’s and Goobers jelly; Peter will be racing on nothing but whiskey, but as backup has trained himself to eat lava rocks in case we can’t find anything over 100 proof.
We will all be in bed early tonight because we want to spend as much time lying awake in bed nervous for tomorrow as we possibly can. Peter will sleep fine tonight of course, he’s ready, but Dean and I still have to worry about messing the rest of it up.


Brad Fraedrich said...

Awesome Read Ryan!! Hope you guys have a great time and an awesome race!

cynthiashort said...

Keep the updates coming!