March 12, 2010

Product Re-test - Optygen HP

I cherish my sponsors, why, because I love the products. Sometimes my athletes must hate me because I push some of the products so hard. I use them, they help me, so I must tell others. However, sometimes I get scared that I use the products to much or too consistently, especially supplements or sports drinks. So I had a conversation with Robert Kunz at First Endurance when I realized I had been taking Optygen HP for the last 4 years non-stop and didn’t know if there were any side effects. Well besides urine the color of green koolaid, that is normal for endurance athletes, right? Robert recommended that once (or twice) a year for a period of 3-4 weeks I not take Optygen HP. I am 10 days in one of those blocks, and WOW, I can tell the difference. For example, while swimming, my hypoxic 5 stroke breathing, is REALLY hard now!!! Also when I go to the TRACK now, I really see different results. I have been doing the same workout last 3 weeks, and I've done this workout in past years. I am seeing heart rates that are way above what I've seen in the past 5 years, on the average it seems to be 10-15 beats per minute difference.

Okay one more Optygen story for now, this is from an athlete who just set a new marathon PR, 2:46:33. Here is what he said, “I don’t remember but I think the morning of this race was the long race (marathon or ironman, and maybe half) that I actually took Optygen the morning of the race. I usually forget to pack it, or take it in the am because I am so nervous. Well I remembered, and it as well as Peter’s workouts seemed to be the secret ingredient to a great race. I stopped to go to the bathroom at mile 12 and I noticed that my legs didn’t feel like I had been running at pace for 12 miles. The biggest difference seemed to be the peaks and valleys you feel in a long race like that seemed to be flatter. I felt strong and fast when I felt good and if I started to feel rough I felt like it just a fence I had to jump not a wall I had to climb. Until my 24 these seemed to be easy to overcome, but nothing is easy to overcome in the last 2.2 of a marathon. Thanks First Endurance for good products.”

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